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Monday, June 1, 2009

Microsoft and PHP

"Asbolutely hiliarious!" N.T, Louisville

You gotta read the article at this link!

Apparently, Microsoft is attempting to go head to head with Google, and the author of the article found at the end of this link is questioning the methods, as well as the sanity, of the great giant.

Microsoft's web application hosting environment, Windows Azure, is a competitor to Google App Engine and in an attempt to make their platform more easily available to the masses, has introduced support for PHP on their web application platform. ... The rest of the story is here. . .


"For those of you that aren't web developers, this is a bit like trying to kill a person with a rifle by clubbing them in the foot with it, hoping that the blunt end of the weapon will break the skin somehow, and your victim will die of an infection because he's in a place so remote that there's no access to antibiotics."

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