Great Spirit, Mother Earth,
Powers of the four directions,
My allies, my medicine animal, my ancestors,
And those who love me,
Be here with me now, and hear my prayer.
Beyond the landscapes of ordinary life
Lie dimensions of higher consciousness
And perfected reality.
Somewhere in your dimension, oh Great Spirit,
The Great Mother opens her arms
And receives our spirit shields,
Which spin for all eternity.
This earthly life is a gift from you, Great Mother.
I honor your presence in my life, Great Spirit,
And your gift of eternal life.
I know that my spirit shield is in need of balance,
That in this lifetime I have the opportunity
To tear away the veil of ignorance
And walk the earth in my sacred androgynous form,
Balance equally between
The male and female energies,
Within myself and within the cosmos.
I will manifest within this lifetime my true destiny
By finding the hidden passions
That live within my heart and my soul,
Those hidden passions for truth,
For harmony and balance and goodness,
That live within me.
I will not be afraid to look at
The dark side of my being.
That dark side is my instinctual nature,
Which I have denied in some way in my life.
To repress who I really am is to live a lie,
And to live my life through the eyes of others,
Not through my own eyes.
I pledge, Great Mother, to take responsibility
For who I am in this life,
For my weaknesses and my strengths.
I pledge to walk the path
as a spiritual warrior of heart.
As I see the many mirrors I have created
Around me in my life,
I will not be afraid to look in them.
And I will realize that no matter what reflection I see,
It is the reflection of some aspect of you, Great Spirit,
And for that I will love all that I see.
To take my power in this lifetime
Is to understand that I am made of power, and
That power is the reflection of you, Great Spirit.
I understand that the first lesson of power is
That we are alone in the struggle
toward enlightenment.
I also understand that the last lesson of power is
That we are indeed all one.
You are my light and my love and my way,
Oh Great Spirit,
And I honor you all the days of my life. Ho!
From Prayers for the Seasons of Life
by Lynn V. Andrews
1 comment:
Thanks so much for sharing this prayer...and the others you've posted. This touches my heart deeply and I'm grateful for your Great Spirit and great courage.
Love and light, hugs and blessings
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