Fall is a season of reckoning, a time when all that you have sown and all that has blossomed is now to be reaped. It is a time of gathering, a time of great beauty, and a time of change and letting go. So often we are terrified of change (especially when it comes in the form of perceived financial crises), not only because of the mystery of the unknown but because change implies letting go of what we do know and what we have always held as a kind of security in our lives. Even bad habits can provide a kind of security.
So fall is a time to pray for understanding and for strength to reap what serves you and to discard what holds you back from you enlightenment and your true power in the world. You have chosen your arrow in the spring. You have pulled back the bow, you have set the arrow, and you have even chosen the target. In summer, the time when your arrow makes its flight and reaches its mark, you blossomed. In the fall you are in a time of reckoning.
In some of the ancient languages of the world, the word sin, when translated, means "missing the mark." It signifies losing the opportunity you had, because once you sow the seed, and once that seed blossoms, you must then reap what you deserve, what is yours. In the fall, you are pulling in all of your energies and thoughts that have been scattered outward throughout the year. Collect them in, like sheep gathering back to the fold. Then let go of what is no longer essential to your life process, whatever misses the mark for you. Let go of whatever no longer serves your highest good.
During the fall, may you find strength to be all that you are. May you reap all the abundance of the universe that is meant for you.
Until next time,
Enjoy your harvest.
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