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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hunter's Moon

A Full Moon rising can be a dramatic celestial sight,
and Full Moons can have many names.

Today, October 14, 2008 is the day of the October full moon. Some said that in future, the name would be changed to "Alien Landing Moon". But of course, there was no proof that so-called alien space ships landed on earth on this day in history, 2008. Darn. I think I was hoping that a big ship would land in my front yard and take me out of my life. But when I think about it, I guess I really wouldn't want that. I think I actually like my life too much and I really feel that I want to stick around to see how humanity as a whole handles this evolving to a new level. What will we become when all is said and done?

That all said, my intent for the post was to honor the Grandmother Moon, and give some notes about the names that are given to this full moon.

In many traditions, the October full moon is known as the "Hunters" or "Blood" Moon and is so named from the hunting practice of riding over the stubble of reaped grain fields pursuing foxes, deer or other night animals, by the light of the moon. This moon is defined as the first full moon following the Harvest Moon.

The Harvest Moon is always the full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox. If the Harvest Moon occurs in October, the September full Moon is usually called the Corn Moon.

Names of Full Moons, by tradition

Colonial America Hunter's Moon
Celtic - Harvest Moon
Medieval English Blood Moon
CHinese Kindly Moon
Neo Pagan Blood Moon

American Indian
Cherokee Harvest Moon
Choctah Blackberry Moon
Dakota Sioux Moon When Quilling is Done

In other traditions, the October full moon may also be known as Full Travel Moon, Full Dying Grass Moon.


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