Recession! Recession! Recession! 100,000 jobs lost today. This big corporation closing. That one laying off thousands and thousands. 4.8 million jobs lost between October 2008 and February 2009. Don't you just get tired of hearing the blah, blah, blah of the talking head on the network news spouting about all the bad news of the day?
Now, don't get me wrong, that is a lot of jobs lost and people out of work. I just wonder why they don't bother to talk about the good news.
Did you know that there were 4.3 million people hired into new jobs in the same time period? Did anyone bother to jump up on the soap box and shout THAT news from the roof tops? Not that I heard. I had to go digging to find that information.
Did you know, during the "Great Depression" of the early thirties, that the unemployment rate (they called it "jobless" then) was around 30%? That was huge! That means that 30% of the total employable population (those who wanted, and were able to work) were out of work. That was a REALLY bad time. The depression was world wide. But, did you ever think about the other 70%? What were they doing? They were working, making their house and car payments, buying new stuff, in other words, living their lives pretty much as usual.
You know what else? We did not have a bunch of people on the nightly news telling us that we needed to be worried about the depression. So we just did what was in front of us to do, whether we were among the "unlucky few" without a job, the lucky majority who still had income. We just did what was our to do, without having some dupe in a suit telling us what to think.
Now, the dupeheads tell us what to think, what to feel, what is politically correct to say. And we, as a society, nay as a species, with a few rare exceptions, swallow it hook line and sinker. 'They' are LYING to you! Wake up and smell the coffee!
4.3 million, of the 4.8 million who lost their jobs, have already been hired into new jobs. That leaves only 300,000 without work. That is about the normal number of people out of work on any given day in American.
You know, I was in the job market in the 80's when it "went to hell in a hand basket". I had a good job, and I did everything I could to keep it. I kept my mouth shut, didn't make waves, and hated every minute of it. I kept improving my skills, making myself more valuable to my employer so that I would not be at the top of the layoff list. However, there were many around me (half of the team I worked with) who lost their jobs in that company. We kept in touch. You know what? Every single person that I knew left that job, took some time off for R and R and found new jobs. Jobs that they enjoyed more and in most cases, jobs that paid more.
And you know what else? Is stayed in that job for 15 years. You know what else? It nearly killed me! I sometimes envied those who had been laid off and as a result had found great jobs that paid them more money and that they really enjoyed. Me? I was still stuck in the job that I spent so much energy keeping!
Today, even as bad as it is, there are still companies in EVERY industry who are hiring. Take your expertise and go out and take one of those jobs. Or better yet, go make your own.
Another thing about large companies shutting down. Why do you think there were so many companies in a single industry? Because there was enough work for them. Well, there may not be enough work for all those big companies, but there will be work in most of those same industries for independents. Someone still has to service those customers. If you are really good at what you do, why not go out and start your own business? Pick up where the large, faceless corporation left off. You will prosper.
Do you know that there were more businesses started during the so-called "Great Depression" than at any other time in history? More million-airs were made. Yes. For some, it was the worst of times. For others, it was the best of times. And each individual's story is what made it such.
And remember, the baby boomers have reached retirement age. They are retiring in record numbers over the next few years. Most companies still need educated, trained and skilled employees. So where do they get them? From the list of unemployed of course!
Why are we so addicted to bad news? We are we such sensationalists! If we would all spend some time every day just being grateful for everything we have, and I mean everything, including the job loss, we would find ways through this a lot faster. The only way to get peace, is to be peace. Be the peace you want to see in the world. That does not mean passively accept whatever comes at you. It means go at it with peace in your heart and faith that all will come right, sooner than later.
Take responsibility for your own life. Turn off the T.V. Get up and out and DO something about it. Be the difference. No one is to blame for the situation you find yourself in. Make a choice. Be different. You and only you can change your life. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What are you going to do with it? Be a victim? Or an overcomer? (I just made that word up.)
I just read this in an online 'zine:
New jobs are created every day -- in health care, education, local government, and even in retail. Businesses hire to fill vacancies created by retirement. Joblessness or fulfilling employment is a choice that you can make for yourself.
Remember: Choose, or don't choose. Either way, you choose. What do you choose?
Everyone look for something good in the economy, your choices create your reality.
Didya ever think that if all governments used the money they put into the war machine to take care of their people, how there would be no money for war, and how prosperous and healthy everyone on the planet would be?
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